Chingford League 2022-23 Race 1 - Dagenham 01/10/2022
(photos 2 and 3: Johnny Ng)

George Richardson inter-club veterans race hosted by Loughton AC 05/11/2022

Social runs in Epping Forest

Essex Cross Country Vets Championship 2022 03/12/2022

Mince pie relays 27/12/2022

Chingford League 2022-2023 21/01/2023
Epping Forest

Essex League 2022-2023 11/02/2023
Hainault Forest

Orion 15 25/03/2023

Chingford League 2022-23 Race 2 - Velopark 12/10/2022

Essex League 2022-23 Race 2 - Epping Forest 12/11/2022

Chingford League 2022-23 Race 4 - Trent Park 26/11/2022
(Photos 2-5: Johnny Ng)

London christmas lights tour 2022

Essex Cross Country Championship 2023 07/01/2023

Ware Cup 2022 (held in Jan 2023)

Foodbank run

Chingford League Relays 11/03/2023

Eastern Masters Championships 26/03/2023
Lee Valley Athletics Centre
St Clare Hospice 10K in memory of Michaela 2/04/2023
Photos 1-13 Credit Nigel & Jennifer Otter